Terms of use

Frequently Asked Questions
Need to know more about Plentina? Below are common questions and answers about our platform.
What you'll need

Verified Plentina account

Proof of employment

Proof of Income
How it works

Log in to your verified Plentina account.

On your app screen, please tap "Not eligible for P1000?" and follow the steps prompting you to submit additional documents.

Upload any of the following as your Proof of Income:
Please make sure your document is legible, clear, and has complete details
If employed
Payslip issued within the last three months
BIR Form 2316 issued within last year
If self-employee
BIR Form 1701 issued within last year

Upload any of the following as your Proof of Employment:
Please make sure your document is legible, clear, and has complete details
If employed
Valid Company ID
COE issued within the last three months
If self-employed
Valid DTI Registration
Valid SEC Registration

All done! Please give the Plentina team 1-3 business days to review your submission.

Once your submission is verified, you’ll receive a notification informing you that your P1000 credit boost request has been approved! Congratulations, you may now avail of our higher value loan offers!
Frequently Asked Questions
Will my credit limit still increase after getting approved for P1000?
Yes! Your credit limit will gradually go up as you continue to use our services. We highly encourage you to repay on time to maintain a good credit standing.
I'm a project-based/freelance worker. Will my documents be accepted if I apply for a credit boost?
If you are a project-based worker, these are the documents we accept as of the moment:
Certificate of Employment or Service Contract with stated income/compensation;
Letter from your company certifying that a series of payments was made for the services you rendered
How do I reapply for a credit limit increase if my application was rejected?
If your submission was rejected, you may possibly reapply for a credit boost. Please check your app for the changes you need to make in your resubmission.
For questions and concerns, you may contact us at customerservice@plentina.com.